Other Information Security Issuances:
- VPN accounts are given to researchers, faculty members and UP employees that need access to critical IT operations in UP Diliman.
- VPN Account is not permanent and is subject for renewal in a semestral basis.
- VPN usage is covered by the Acceptable Use Policy for IT Resources of UP System (http://www.upd.edu.ph/aup)
- The University Computer Center reserves the right to change or alter the guidelines stated without prior notice.
VPN Usage
VPN Account Request Guidelines
- Fill up the VPN request form available at:
- Include a letter of request addressed to the director of University Computer Center. For students, letter should be endorsed by adviser/professor AND the department/institution head. For faculty/researcher/employees, letter should be endorsed by the director and/or department head.
- Submit the form at Rm 301, University Computer Center.
VPN User Request Form
Please fill out the following form completely. Incomplete forms are subject to delayed approval.
[] Photocopy of UP ID and Form 5
[] Photocopy of UP ID and Appointment Letter
[] Formal letter of request addressed to the director
Request Type:
_ New _Renewal _ Deletion
_ UP Staff _ Faculty _ Student _Researcher _Non-UP Researcher
Purpose of the VPN
Please describe the purpose of the remote access, and the activities to be performed. If access requires software, identify client software and any licensing considerations associated with its use.
I understand that providing access to remote users and devices exposes UP Diliman Network (UP DilNet) to certain security risks. In the event of a computer compromise, I understand that UCC may disable the VPN and terminate active VPN connections without requesting prior consent.
I understand that providing access to remote users and devices exposes UP Diliman Network (UP DilNet) to certain security risks. I accept responsibility for the risks imposed by the remote users I sponsor.
I understand that providing access to remote users and devices exposes UP Diliman Network (DilNet) to certain security risks. In the event of a computer compromise, I understand that UCC may disable the VPN and terminate active VPN connections without requesting prior consent.
I acknowledge that the requesting user require the type of access indicated. I understand that providing access to remote users and devices exposes DilNet to certain security risks. As their supervisor, I accept responsibility for monitoring the requesting user’s compliance to DilNet’s VPN policies.
I accept responsibility for the risks imposed by the remote users I sponsor.